Sunday, 31 May 2015

Today I made some waterproof matches. I made them by dipping the match heads in to wax from a lit candle. Had to be careful when doing this because if the matches got too close the flame they would burst in to flames.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

In the garden this afternoon I used dads knife to to some wood carving. The only problem is that his knife is rather blunt and has a few nicks in it.
Ibraheem likes playing jetpack joyride on the iPad although he is not very good at it.
There are a lot of bugs in the garden. I saw a bee pollinating a strawberry plant and I also saw a   ladybird with more spots tha usual.

When we were in the garden yesterday we saw the cat chase a magpie up a tree. She looked really cute when she was nimbly climbing down. We also saw a seagull drinking water out of the unused sandpit of top of the shed roof.
In the garden we are growing a camomile plant for home made camomile tea. A few days ago I picked some and made camomile and spiced apple tea. It tasted a lot like the tea bought from the shop of the same flavour.
This morning when I went to Dadimas instead of having fried eggs like I usually do I had had an omelet. After that we played in the garden but Bilaal sent the ball over the fence in to the neighbors so we had to play with a broken tennis ball which didn't bounce.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Today I started making
a model viking sword. I am using a bamboo stick and a pizza box.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

In the garden bilaal likes making holes to put seedling in.

I like reading books of the i pad in the garden on a deck-chair.

yesterday we went in the garden. I cut some rhubarb and froze it. we also did a lot of weeding.

Yesterday when we went in the garden we noticed that because we hadn't been out in a long time it had been over grown with weeds. I used the hoe to get rid of all the small weeds but I had to use my hands to pull up the larger weeds and untangle the bind weeds.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

One of my gerbils, the brown one, who is called Carrot is rather strange. He never eats his food from his bowl. He tips his food in to his bedding and throws his bowl around. We decided to give him a paper bowl and only give him a bit of food at a time. He loves shredding paper with his teeth so he can shred his bowl after he has eaten hi food.


When we were in the garden today we noticed that our cat goes silly in the sun. She rests and sleeps in strange places.

This morning I went on the garden with mum. The first strawberry has nearly become fully red.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Today mum and dad tidied my room even though it was only tidied  a week ago. I seem to have a virus that makes me make mess! I decided to get rid of the sofa out of my room and put a table to do my projects on.
Today Ibraheem went to the farm and did an owls workshop.

A while ago I made a full size roman sword out of a bamboo stick, some card and parcel tape. When it was done I spray painted it in silver, red and gold. yesterday I used this sword to play fight with Bilaal. when i fight the spray paint sometimes flakes off so I have to re-spray it to keep in shiny.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Today mum went to the tall ships festival at the docks. they bought some funny cheese the has charcoal in it to make it taste stronger. mum says that "the funny thing it that you cant taste the charcoal". she also bought a huge doughnut which didn't have very nice insides. the inside tasted like those fake cream cakes from baraka bakery. ibraaheem tripped over his shoelace and hurt his leg. he is now using this as an excuse not to get changed for bad and numerous other things.

Not long ago i made a new walachia model. it took a few days to complete. I used a setting on the camera (which is Ibraheems) called interval photograph. it takes a photo every five minutes. one minute or every thirty seconds. I set it o every thirty seconds. there were appropriately three hundred and fifty photos so it took me about three hours i total.  Yesterday I made a time lapse video of when I made my walachia tower model.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

today i made a house out of card. first i made a bunch of tubes and made a frame then i coverd it with card.

yesterday i noticed the first poppy that has come up this spring.
it looks beautiful

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Today mum went geocacheing at crickly hill. the found two geocaches. apparently bilaal fell in to a bramble bush and had to grab a bramble branch to stop himself from going in so far that he couldnt get out. the pictures are broken i dont know why

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

I made a Plasticine model for me to use to animate. But it didn't work so I smashed it up.
it was all ibraheems fault he was breathing in my ear
We went to the farm. We saw little baby goats. We also saw baby rabbits. I stroked a big goat. I couldn't stroke the baby goat because they didn't come to me.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

I finished
my walachia model after painting the roof. i dont have anywhere to keep it though because my shelfs are all full already

Today Ibraheem went out to some evacuation role-play thing. I dunno what it was but I thought I would put it here. :)